Fundraising Partners
On this page we will list and profile all Partners and Organizations who are joining this movement. If we generate some Sponsors or Partners who can assist our volunteer efforts we will create a more dynamic platform here like some of those great Charity Challenge websites you may have participated in. (hint, hint, any large banks or Corporate Sponsors out there lookig for a branding opportunity?)
Please supply any and all artwork, images and links to your respective Donor Pages and/or dynamic, custom branded Isolationrun.org fundraising pages if you have them. Send this content to: admin@goodtimesrunning.ca
We cannot post more than one Image or Link here and remember when individuals register they will be asked to select the organization of their choice again in the back end. We understand that some visitors to our cause will forget to register or skip that step and go straight to fundraising or making a donation.
C'est la vie!
STARTING ON AUGUST 1st, all fundraisers who achieve $1000 in fundraising / donations will receive a $100 Via Rail Canada Gift Travel Voucher, eligible anywhere in Canada and valid until December 31st, 2021.